Cancel order
If you wish to cancel your order, this can only be done in writing. Simply send us an email, preferably as a reply to one of the emails we have already sent regarding your order, or include the order number and your request for cancellation.
We will be happy to check whether a cancellation is still possible or if it is associated with additional costs. This naturally depends on the status of the order. If no effort has been incurred on our part, a cancellation free of charge is possible. However, if we have already performed data checks, received payments, provided consultations, or produced parts of the product, cancellation fees may be incurred based on the work completed. If the order is too far along in the process, sometimes cancellation is no longer possible.
The good news: If a cancellation fee has been incurred solely for a data check or consultation, you can fully credit this amount towards a new order within the next 12 months. However, cancellation fees or costs for products already produced cannot be deducted.
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