CD Card Wallet

Pages: 1 - (2 if closed)
Printing method: Offset printing
Color: 4/0 colored (in CMYK „double-sided (if closed)“ print)
Paper: 300g chromo board
Finishing: Lacquered, glued
Format (closed): 125 mm x 125 mm


Card Wallet

All prices include shipping.
We replicate our CDs and DVDs starting at quantities of 200 and up.
*Delivery time applies to payment and delivery of correct printing data until 9 o'clock.

Economy16–19 Business Days*
Standard10–14 Business Days*
Express5–8 Business Days*
Custom quantity
250 421.20 € 501.23 € 487.20 € 579.77 € 552.00 € 656.88 €
50 230.57 € 274.38 € 274.57 € 326.74 € 335.38 € 399.10 €
100 266.54 € 317.18 € 310.54 € 369.54 € 376.25 € 447.74 €
200 370.16 € 440.49 € 436.16 € 519.03 € 494.00 € 587.86 €
300398.01 € 318.41 € 473.63 € 378.91 € 498.94 € 593.74 € 500.65 € 595.77 €
400 421.20 € 501.23 € 522.76 € 622.08 € 514.50 € 612.26 €
500 435.50 € 518.25 € 537.45 € 639.57 € 580.75 € 691.09 €
1,000 549.90 € 654.38 € 654.97 € 779.41 € 723.25 € 860.67 €
1,500 821.39 € 977.45 € 933.54 € 1,110.91 € 1,030.13 € 1,225.85 €
2,000 924.90 € 1,100.63 € 1,012.90 € 1,205.35 € 1,110.25 € 1,321.20 €
3,000 1,228.40 € 1,461.80 € 1,316.40 € 1,566.52 € 1,453.50 € 1,729.67 €
4,000 1,742.44 € 2,073.50 € 1,830.44 € 2,178.22 € 2,036.00 € 2,422.84 €
5,000 2,135.70 € 2,541.48 € 2,223.70 € 2,646.20 € 2,444.40 € 2,908.84 €
6,000 3,209.42 € 3,819.21 € 3,297.42 € 3,923.93 € 3,614.64 € 4,301.42 €
7,000 3,286.98 € 3,911.51 € 3,374.98 € 4,016.23 € 3,698.16 € 4,400.81 €
8,000 3,375.36 € 4,016.68 € 3,480.36 € 4,141.63 € 3,531.52 € 4,202.51 €
9,000 3,452.15 € 4,108.06 € 3,557.15 € 4,233.01 € 3,611.39 € 4,297.55 €
10,000 3,511.50 € 4,178.69 € 3,616.50 € 4,303.64 € 3,673.00 € 4,370.87 €
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