DVD in Cake Box

Depending on your circulation the CD’s/DVD‘s are usually wrapped with sturdy foil in stacks of 200 exemplars per cake box. The CD’s/DVD‘s are protected from scratches and damage from below and above with placeholder discs.


In Cake Box

All prices include shipping.
We replicate our CDs and DVDs starting at quantities of 200 and up.
*Delivery time applies to payment and delivery of correct printing data until 9 o'clock.

Economy14–16 Business Days*
Normal8–11 Business Days*
Express5–7 Business Days*
Custom quantity
50 130.75 € 155.59 € 140.75 € 167.49 € 240.75 € 286.49 €
100 179.50 € 213.61 € 189.50 € 225.51 € 259.50 € 308.81 €
200 258.00 € 307.02 € 268.00 € 318.92 € 338.00 € 402.22 €
300 282.00 € 335.58 € 292.00 € 347.48 € 352.00 € 418.88 €
400 307.00 € 365.33 € 317.00 € 377.23 € 377.00 € 448.63 €
500 307.00 € 365.33 € 317.00 € 377.23 € 377.00 € 448.63 €
1,000 402.00 € 478.38 € 422.00 € 502.18 € 522.00 € 621.18 €
1,500 653.95 € 778.20 € 673.95 € 802.00 € 773.95 € 921.00 €
2,000 704.00 € 837.76 € 714.00 € 849.66 € 882.00 € 1,049.58 €
3,000 951.00 € 1,131.69 € 961.00 € 1,143.59 € 1,152.50 € 1,371.48 €
4,000 1,416.00 € 1,685.04 € 1,426.00 € 1,696.94 € 1,664.00 € 1,980.16 €
5,000 1,498.00 € 1,782.62 € 1,578.00 € 1,877.82 € 1,753.00 € 2,086.07 €
6,000 2,609.80 € 3,105.66 € 2,689.80 € 3,200.86 € 2,974.78 € 3,539.99 €
7,000 2,610.20 € 3,106.14 € 2,690.20 € 3,201.34 € 2,975.22 € 3,540.51 €
8,000 2,622.00 € 3,120.18 € 2,702.00 € 3,215.38 € 2,987.00 € 3,554.53 €
9,000 2,634.40 € 3,134.94 € 2,714.40 € 3,230.14 € 2,999.44 € 3,569.33 €
10,000 2,634.00 € 3,134.46 € 2,714.00 € 3,229.66 € 2,999.00 € 3,568.81 €
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